How to make body mist spray

A spray bottle sitting on top of a counter.

Homemade gifts mean way more to me than buying one. When someone takes the time to think about you and then make something with you in mind. To me it is priceless. Plus on the flip side you can save a ton of money.

One of my favorite gifts to give to people who matter to me is homemade body mist. You can give it to anyone and it is cheap and simple to make.

You will need the following ingredients:

An empty 3 to 4-ounce spray bottle (stainless steel or glass ) and your preferred essential oil

How to make:

Fill the spray bottle ¾ of the way with distilled water and add 20 drops of 100% pure essential lavender oil (or any scent you want to make with your essential oils)

Cover the spray bottle, shake it up and do a test spray to see if you like the smell. If you want a stronger scent ad a little more essential oil. If you want to make a different scent you can use many essential oils. Anything from sweet orange to peppermint, just

Make sure you are using pure essential oils.

That should last you like forever. The cost to buy a body mist similar to the one we are making costs around $8 to $9.

It should cost you about $.10 to make the body mist I gave instructions towards.  If you want to order a stainless steel bottle for a reasonable price on Amazon you can buy 8, 4oz stainless steel spray bottles for a little less than $2 each. So the total cost to make this special personalized gift will cost you $2.10 and take you 5 minutes to make.



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