DIY All-Purpose Household Cleaner: A Must-Have Recipe for a Sparkling Home and cost pennies to make

In the quest for a clean and healthy home, many of us are turning to homemade cleaning solutions that are both effective and environmentally friendly. One such gem is a DIY all-purpose household cleaner that promises to leave your kitchen countertops, lights, and even kids’ toys sparkling clean. Let’s dive into the details of this favorite recipe that promises to make your cleaning routine a breeze.


To whip up this magical concoction, you’ll need:

2 cups of water

An empty spray bottle (opt for a reusable one to save the environment)

3 tablespoons of Castile Soap

20 drops of tea tree oil


Begin by gathering all your ingredients and the empty spray bottle.

Pour 2 cups of water into the bottle. This serves as the base for the cleaner.

Add 3 tablespoons of Castile Soap to the water. Castile Soap is known for its natural cleaning properties and is a great alternative to commercial cleaning products.

Drop in 20 drops of tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is a powerful essential oil with antibacterial and antiviral properties, making it an excellent addition to any cleaning solution.

Seal the bottle and shake it vigorously. This ensures that all the ingredients are well-mixed, creating a potent cleaning solution.


Now that your DIY all-purpose cleaner is ready, it’s time to put it to work. Here are some ways you can use it around your home:

Kitchen Countertops: Spray the cleaner directly on your kitchen countertops and wipe away for a fresh and disinfected surface.

Lights: Give your light fixtures a spritz and wipe down to remove dust and grime.

Kids’ Toys: Safely clean and disinfect your children’s toys by spraying the solution and wiping them down.

Other Surfaces: This versatile cleaner can be used on various surfaces, providing a quick and effective cleaning solution for your home.


With this easy-to-make DIY all-purpose household cleaner, you can say goodbye to harsh chemicals and expensive store-bought cleaners. Embrace a more sustainable and budget-friendly approach to cleaning while ensuring a safe and healthy environment for your family. For more tips on simple and sustainable living, head to my blog at Smart Shopper, Daphne. Don’t forget to join the conversation and share your favorite cleaning hacks for a squeaky-clean home!